16th Annual Warm Up Cross Country Running Series for Schools - 2008
Paul McCloyAward
Rank School Grade Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best
2 of 3
1 Cowan Heights Elementary S 6 64 58 122
2 Cowan Heights Elementary S 5 147 162 309
3 Paradise Elementary School 6 243 204 180 384
4 St. Bernard’s Elementary S 5 223 203 426
5 St. Teresa’s School 5 247 198 445
6 Rennie’s River Elementary 6 218 261 238 456
7 St. Bernard’s Elementary S 4 260 219 479
8 Goulds Elementary 4 233 269 502
9 Mary Queen of Peace Elemen 4 302 222 524
10 Rennie’s River Elementary 4 255 277 532
11 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 4 325 251 576
12 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 6 375 352 271 623
13 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 5 331 323 654
14 Hazelwood Elementary Schoo 4 382 288 670
15 St. Matthew’s Elementary S 4 402 284 686
16 Cowan Heights Elementary S 4 363 377 740
17 St. Matthew’s Elementary S 6 467 443 910
18 Paradise Elementary School 4 410 501 911
Grade 4 Girls Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Rennie's River Elementary 60 81 67 127 2 St. Teresa's School 94 106 200 3 Cowan Heights Elementary S 125 145 97 222 4 St. Bernard's Elementary S 112 147 145 257 5 Mary Queen of Peace Elemen 126 149 135 261 6 Macdonald Drive Elementary 148 123 211 271 7 Goulds Elementary 148 137 173 285 8 St. Matthew's Elementary S 121 166 168 287 9 Vanier Elementary School 209 189 122 311 10 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 231 188 156 344 11 Paradise Elementary School 200 206 262 406 12 Bishop Feild School 211 210 421 13 St. Francis Of Assisi Elem 211 223 434 14 St. Peter's Elementary Sch 354 244 201 445 15 Hazelwood Elementary Schoo 199 260 250 449 16 Cape St Francis Elementary 595 536 416 952 17 Baltimore School 529 477 1006 18 Virginia Park Elementary S 628 562 1190 Grade 4 Boys Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Hazelwood Elementary Schoo 122 38 160 2 St. Bernard's Elementary S 113 74 187 3 Goulds Elementary 96 96 192 4 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 137 95 232 5 Mary Queen of Peace Elemen 153 87 240 6 St. Teresa's School 198 106 304 7 St. Matthew's Elementary S 236 116 352 8 Rennie's River Elementary 174 210 384 9 Paradise Elementary School 204 239 443 10 Bishop Feild School 272 193 465 11 Cowan Heights Elementary S 218 280 498 Grade 5 Girls Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Cowan Heights Elementary S 85 57 142 2 Goulds Elementary 98 71 169 3 St. Teresa's School 103 89 192 4 St. Bernard's Elementary S 116 96 212 5 Rennie's River Elementary 115 120 235 6 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 163 121 284 Grade 5 Boys Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Cowan Heights Elementary S 62 105 167 2 St. Bernard's Elementary S 107 107 214 3 St. Teresa's School 144 109 253 4 Hazelwood Elementary Schoo 164 167 331 5 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 168 202 370 6 Mary Queen of Peace Elemen 204 173 377 Grade 6 Girls Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Cowan Heights Elementary S 31 20 28 48 2 Mary Queen of Peace Elemen 75 66 102 141 3 Paradise Elementary School 115 85 98 183 4 Rennie's River Elementary 111 117 156 228 5 Goulds Elementary 162 131 130 261 6 St. Francis Of Assisi Elem 152 173 197 325 7 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 192 186 169 355 8 Vanier Elementary School 252 231 483 9 St. Matthew's Elementary S 361 263 624 Grade 6 Boys Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Cowan Heights Elementary S 33 38 71 2 Hazelwood Elementary Schoo 76 79 52 128 3 Rennie's River Elementary 107 144 82 189 4 Paradise Elementary School 128 119 82 201 5 Holy Trinity Elementary Sc 183 166 102 268 6 St. Matthew's Elementary S 106 180 286 7 Bishop Feild School 140 200 157 297 Grade 7 Girls Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Macdonald Drive Jr High Sc 69 57 56 113 2 Holy Trinity High School 75 66 141 Grade 7 Boys Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 St. Kevin's Junior High Sc 35 22 36 57 Grade 8-9 Girls Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 1 Macdonald Drive Jr High Sc 43 40 32 72 Grade 8-9 Boys Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 NO TEAMS Grade 10-12 Girls Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 NO TEAMS Grade 10-12 Boys Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Best 2 of 3 NO TEAMS
Rank School Meet1 Meet2 Meet3 Total
1 Holy Trinity Elementary School 63 57 50 170
2 Cowan Heights Elementary School 56 51 49 156
3 Mary Queen of Peace Elementary 47 32 32 111
4 Rennie's River Elementary School 40 33 32 105
5 Paradise Elementary School 34 36 22 92
6 Goulds Elementary 32 28 28 88
7 St Francis Of Assisi Elementary School 31 27 27 85
8 St Matthew's Elementary School 34 24 25 83
9 Baltimore School 32 30 13 75
10 Hazelwood Elementary School 31 21 22 74
11 Beachy Cove Elementary 27 21 25 73
12 St Teresa's School 28 21 24 73
13 Villanova Junior High School 31 20 17 68
14 St Bonaventure's College 22 19 23 64
15 St Peter's Elementary School 25 14 10 49
16 Holy Family School 29 19 48
17 Macdonald Drive Jr High School 16 19 13 48
18 Vanier Elementary School 20 7 14 41
19 St George's Elementary School 14 12 9 35
20 Holy Cross Elementary School 14 10 10 34
21 St Anne's Academy 34 34
22 Lakecrest St John's Independent School 12 9 10 31
23 MUN Varsity Team 29 29
24 Cape St Francis Elementary 7 12 5 24
25 Topsail Elementary 14 6 4 24
26 Upper Gullies Elementary School 11 8 5 24
27 Roncalli Central High School 7 9 7 23
28 St Paul's Junior High School 9 5 9 23
29 Mobile Central High School 8 6 8 22
30 St Bernard's Elementary School 3 6 10 19
31 St John Bosco School 11 5 3 19
32 Virginia Park Elementary School 7 5 7 19
33 Beaconsfield Jr. High School 6 5 6 17
34 I.J. Samson Jr. High School 9 7 1 17
35 St Edward's Elementary School 17 17
36 Ecole Des Grands-Vents 4 5 6 15
37 St Mary's Elementary School 7 5 3 15
38 Acreman Elementary 8 5 13
39 Brother Rice Junior High School 4 6 3 13
40 Bishop Field School 2 6 4 12
41 Fatima Academy 11 11
42 Newfoundland And Labrador Athletics Assoc 2 5 4 11
43 St Kevin's Junior High School 7 3 10
44 Prince of Wales Collegiate 5 3 1 9
45 Leary's Brook Jr High School 2 4 2 8
46 MacPherson Elementary School 3 3 2 8
47 Gonzaga High School 1 3 3 7
48 Newtown Elementary School 6 1 7
49 Booth Memorial High School 4 1 1 6
50 Mount Pearl Senior High School 3 2 1 6
51 Holy Heart High School 1 2 1 4
52 Holy Spirit High School 2 1 1 4
53 Macdonald Drive Elementary 1 2 1 4
54 St Peter's Junior High School 2 2 4
55 Baccalieu Collegiate 2 1 3
56 Harbour Grace Primary 3 3
57 Mt Pearl Intermediate School 2 1 3
58 Balbo Elementary School 1 1 2
59 Bishop Abraham Elementary School 1 1 2
60 Carbonear Collegiate 1 1 2
61 Holy Trinity High School 2 2
62 Mary Queen Of The World 2 2
63 O'Donel High School 1 1 2
64 Roncalli Elementary School 1 1 2
65 St Lawrence Academy 1 1 2
66 Unattached 2 2
67 Athletics North-East 1 1
68 Clarenville High School 1 1
69 Crescent Collegiate 1 1
70 Laval High School 1 1
71 Mercury Athletics 1 1
Total 789 726 598 2113