Paradise - Mount Pearl - St. John’s, NL, Canada Start Time - 8:00am (Wheelchair 7:57am)

RACE DAY - June 22, 2025



Medal/neck gaiter pick-up sessions

We are following the COVID-19 gathering limits, and your last name determines your pickup day and time.

Location and Dates

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 56, The Boulevard, St. John’s.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Time - Last Name Begins with:

  • 12:00 to 1:00 pm - A or B
  • 1:00 to 2:00 pm - C or D
  • 2:00 to 3:00 pm - E, F, G, or H
  • 3:00 to 4:00 pm - I, J, K, or L

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Time - Last Name Begins with:

  • 12:00 to 1:00 pm - M, N, or O
  • 1:00 to 2:00 pm - P, Q, or R
  • 2:00 to 3:00 pm - S
  • 3:00 to 4:00 pm - T, V, W, or Y
COVID-19 guidelines for picking up your packet:
  • - You are required to stay home if unwell or symptomatic.
  • - Ensure you wear a non-medical mask before entering the building. Effective August 24, 2020, wearing a non-medical mask covering the nose and mouth is mandatory for people 5 years of age or older in public indoor settings.
  • - Maintain physical distance, a minimum of two metres or six feet.
  • - No access to facility washrooms.
  • - The facility will offer separate entrance-only and exit-only access points; please follow the signage.
  • - Please leave the building as soon as you pick-up your packet.
Picking up your or someone else’s packet

Show your notification email or your ID.

Picking up someone else’s packet

You can have another person pick up for you.

You have to show THIS notification email and ID. Also, we will record your name and cell number for contact tracing.

Last updated Saturday, November 21, 2020.

Challenge Completed

  • Kids Tely 10-Mile
  • Tely 5-Mile
  • Tely 10-Mile
  • Aquafina 92-Mile Endurance Tely

List of participants that have completed their #StayHomeTely2020 challenge.

View List
No Bling Registration (ends November 15)

  • Access to Trackie dashboard
  • digital bib number
  • Tely 10 badge
  • no medal
  • no neck gaiter
  • no t-shirt

 Updated on Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 93rd Tely 10 Mile Road Race, scheduled for November 1, 2020, is cancelled. The next edition of the race will be on July 25, 2021, or when the public health guidelines allow us to hold an in-person race. To keep the spirit of the event alive, we are introducing our 1st Virtual Tely 10: #StayHomeTely2020.

Stay Connected on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Be proud of your accomplishment and share it with your friends and family online! Post photos using our official hashtags #StayHomeTely2020 and #Tely10, or @Tely10NL to tag us on Instagram and Twitter. You can also join our official Facebook Page ( to connect with our virtual race community.

  • #StayHomeTely2020 offers four virtual challenges expanding on the traditional in-person 10-mile event to include shorter and longer distances.
  • #StayHomeTely2020 challenges include an opportunity for kids to participate, and runners who enjoy longer endurance events.
  • #StayHomeTely2020 allows participants to run, walk, or wheel (push-rim), at their own pace, anytime and anyplace! Participants can choose their start and finish lines, and as there is no designated course, they can be active on a treadmill or a neighbourhood street.
  • #StayHomeTely2020 challenges (run, walk, or wheel (push-rim)) can be completed anywhere using a treadmill or other equipment for as long as you can keep track of your times and distances covered. If you are outdoors, you must follow the safety guidelines set by your province/state/area. Stay active, stay safe and respect social distancing.
  • #StayHomeTely2020 is not a race, and no results will be posted; instead, we will publish an alphabetical list of participants that have completed their challenge.
  • As your #StayHomeTely2020 times and distances covered are based on an honour system, there is no finishing order, and there are no placing awards.
  • You will be able to login to Trackie and manually enter your #StayHomeTely2020 times and distances covered. You can come back again and again to improve your results within two months.
  • Participating in #StayHomeTely2020 will not count towards the Commemorative Pins Program.
  • Participants in #StayHomeTely2020 will not be eligible for the Dr. Williams Award.

Kids Tely 10-Mile (ages 6 to 11) (born in the year 2009 through 2014)
  • Participants in the Kids Tely 10 must complete the total distance of 10 miles (16km) in segments within the two-month challenge period; the total daily length covered must not exceed the following distances: 1 mile (1.6km) born 2013-14; 2 miles (3.2km) born 2011-12, 3 miles (4.8km) born 2009-10. For example, they can run/walk a variety of distances less than 1 mile per day, within the two months, until their total distance is 10 miles. Participants must use Trackie (online registration site) to submit their time and distance covered following each segment. Trackie will keep an up-to-date tally of each participant’s times and distances until they complete 10 miles (16km).

Tely 5-Mile (age 12 and older) (born in the year 2008 and earlier)
  • Participants in the Tely 5 must complete the 5-mile (8km) distance in one segment, at one time. Participants can complete multiple Tely 5 within the two-month challenge period and record it on the Trackie site after each run/walk. The Digital Tely 5 Certificate will only show their best effort.

Tely 10-Mile (age 15 and older) (born in the year 2005 and earlier)
  • Participants in the Tely 10 must complete the 10-mile distance in one segment, at one time. Participants can complete multiple Tely 10 within the two-month challenge period and record it on the Trackie site after each run/walk. The Digital Tely 10 Certificate will only show their best effort.

Aquafina 92-Mile Endurance Tely (age 18 and older) (born in 2002 and earlier)
  • The Aquafina 92-Mile Endurance Tely celebrates the history of the Tely 10. Athletes participating in this challenge must complete 92 miles in segments within the two-month challenge period to commemorate the 92 in-person Tely 10 races held to date. Participants must submit their time and distance covered following each segment to Trackie, which will keep an up-to-date tally until they complete 92 miles (148km).

  • Registration period: September 1 - September 30, 2020
  • Challenge period: begin, complete, and submit your activity between September 15 and November 15, 2020.
  • Location: your virtual challenge can be completed anywhere and on any surface that you can safely walk, run, or wheel (push-rim), e.g. trail or road, treadmill, track, backyard, balcony.
  • Course Time Limit: none, take as little or as much time as you need.
  • Participants registered for multiple challenges may submit times and distances for no additional fees.
  • Medals and neck gaiters will be mailed out after November 15, 2020.

  • $35 includes mailed* participant medal and neck gaiter ($55 incl. t-shirt)
  • Tely 5 - Athletes age 12 to 14, $30 includes mailed* participant medal and neck gaiter ($50 incl. t-shirt)
  • Kids Tely 10 - $30 includes mailed* participant medal and neck gaiter ($45 incl. kids t-shirt)
  • Optional t-shirt at $20 ($15 Kids Tely 10)
  • $5 discount for NLAA 2020 competitive members
  • $5 discount to pick up the race package at pre-determined time and location ($10 extra fee for mailing requests submitted after completing registration)
  • $20 NO BLING OPTION / $15 Kids Tely 10 (no participant medal, neck gaiter, or t-shirt)
  • Participants can enter in one or more challenges that they are eligible for, for no additional cost; only one participant’s medal and neck gaiter per registration.
  • A small processing fee and 15% HST tax will be added to all transactions.
  • Total fees shown above include $5 day permit; day permit fees are waved for competitive members.
  • * Mailed - packages will only be mailed in Canada with conditions. Please read the “Mailing Policy & Disclaimer” for more information.
  • Refund Policy: All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE; no transfers or deferrals under any circumstances.

  • Digital participant’s badge (available for download when a challenge is completed)
  • Personalized commemorative digital race bib
  • Participant’s medal
  • Neck gaiter (similar to the Buff, but not branded, 100% polyester; neck gaiters are not a suitable replacement for a face mask)
Participants will have the option to purchase a t-shirt during registration. T-shirts will not be available for purchase after September 30, 2020:
Kids Tely 10: Unisex Poly/Cotton Blend t-shirts in youth sizes.
Tely 5 / Tely 10 / Aquafina 92-Mile Endurance Tely: Women’s or Men’s Tri-Blend Round neck (crew neck) t-shirts

T-shirts will not be available for purchase after September 30, 2020.
Race packages and t-shirts will be available for pick up, and mailed, at the end of the challenge period, around November 15. We don’t know the location in St. John’s and the times yet, but we will email event participants with details in the first week of November.

Youth T-Shirt Heather Navy

Kids Tely 10:
Unisex Poly/Cotton Blend T-Shirts in youth sizes
Color: Heather Navy

Youth Size XS S M L XL
Body Length 20 21-1/2 23 24-1/2 26
Chest Width 16 17 18 19 20

Women’s Triblend T-Shirt

Tely 5 / Tely 10 / Aquafina 92-Mile Endurance Tely:
Women’s Tri-Blend Round neck (crew neck) T-Shirts
Color: Heather Dark Grey

Size XS S M L XL 2XL
Body Length 25 25-1/2 26-1/2 27-1/2 28-1/2 29-1/2
Chest Width 15 16 18 20 22 24

Men’s Triblend T-Shirt

Tely 5 / Tely 10 / Aquafina 92-Mile Endurance Tely:
Men’s Tri-Blend Round neck (crew neck) T-Shirts
Color: Heather Dark Grey

Size S M L XL 2XL 3XL
Body Length 27 28 29 30 31 32
Chest Width 18 20 22 24 26 28

  • Consult with a physician before training or participating in the #StayHomeTely2020 challenge; there are no medical services arranged or provided.
  • Do not wear headphones as you are not on a closed course.
  • Review route and time to avoid congestion.
  • Plan route to obtain adequate hydration and nourishment. Bring water and nutrition if you’re planning a longer route. There are no water stations along the way in a virtual event.
  • If you are participating with someone from your household, run/walk in a single file, allowing others to pass you easily and safely.
  • Follow all applicable laws, and use safe pedestrian practices when on streets and roadways, including facing traffic where sidewalks do not exist, utilizing pathways and sidewalks, crossing streets at traffic lights and crosswalks, and refraining from jaywalking.
  • Avoid high traffic pedestrian and vehicle areas. Run or walk close to home in your neighbourhood during a quieter time of day.
  • Adhere to physical distancing practices while you are out on your challenge. Can you safely pass someone? Can you run safely on the road? Ensure you always have a safe way to move around people to maintain a physical distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others.
  • Complete your run/walk on a treadmill if you would prefer.
  • Wear appropriate clothing. Be visible and dress for the weather.
  • Carry a cell phone with you during your virtual challenge and tell someone the route you’re taking in case of an emergency.
  • Conduct your run/walk in accordance with the current Public Health Orders/Guidelines. Follow all guidelines set by the Government of Canada and any additional municipal, provincial and federal guidelines.
  • Do not run in parks that may be closed. Please keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others.
  • Agree to Virtual Challenge Waiver.
  • Do not organize large group runs for virtual events. NLAA/Tely 10 organizers will not acknowledge social media posts submitted during this event that do not appear to be following the Public Health Orders/Guidelines.
  • Kids Tely 10 is about participation and individual improvement, not performance. Caution is emphasized in not over-training and not exceeding the daily maximum distance of 1 mile (1.6km).
  • An adult must accompany children under 14.


Mail will be sent to Canadian addresses only; no international mail.
Organizers are not responsible for lost, held, or damaged packages.
Organizers are not responsible for misdelivery errors by Canada Post, or incorrect shipping info.
No refunds or exchanges or compensation for any lost or damaged items.

Registered Mail:

For an additional fee (approximately $18), we can send your package via Registered Mail, and you can track your item and get insurance. Contact us for more information.

After successful registration, within minutes, participants will receive a confirmation email that will include instructions on how they can log in and access their dashboard.

Please contact organizers ( if payment was processed but didn't receive a confirmation email. It is possible that there was a typo in the email address or landed in the spam folder, also check for any filters and blocked emails.

Please contact us via e-mail at