Paradise - Mount Pearl - St. John’s, NL, Canada Start Time - 8:00am (Wheelchair 7:57am)

RACE DAY - June 23, 2024



The NLAA would like to acknowledge and thank Joe Ryan for compiling and maintaining the Commemorative Pins list. Participants with questions about the number of Tely 10’s run, finishing times, etc., can contact Joe via e-mail at

The following long-time Tely 10 participants are eligible to receive a Commemorative Pin, pending their successful completion of the 2024 Tely 10.

  • Adams, John (20-year pin)
  • Alcock, Bob (30-year pin)
  • Angel, Robert (40-year pin)
  • Barry, Irene (20-year pin)
  • Brown, Garett (15-year pin)
  • Burden, Gary (25-year pin)
  • Cahill, Judy (15-year pin)
  • Cleary, Paul (35-year pin)
  • Coady, Regina (20-year pin)
  • Collins, Andrew (15-year pin)
  • Croft, Brian (15-year pin)
  • Dillon, Gerriann (15-year pin)
  • Doyle, Adam (15-year pin)
  • Fagan, Don (15-year pin)
  • Gill, Betty (20-year pin)
  • Goulding, Bill (25-year pin)
  • Hawco, Jim (20-year pin)
  • Hermanto, Ivi (20-year pin)
  • King, Wade (15-year pin)
  • Lacey, Karen (15-year pin)
  • Lahey, Paul (25-year pin)
  • Lannon, Donny (15-year pin)
  • Maher, Tim (15-year pin)
  • Meaney, Art (35-year pin)
  • Mercer, Maxwell (15-year pin)
  • Mesh, Michelle (15-year pin)
  • Noel, Glen (30-year pin)
  • O'Neill, Clarence (15-year pin)
  • Ogilvie, Stuart (15-year pin)
  • Parrish, Chris (20-year pin)
  • Paul, Fred (15-year pin)
  • Pomeroy, Bill (25-year pin)
  • Porter, Sandi (20-year pin)
  • Power, Alfred (20-year pin)
  • Pumphrey, Cyril (15-year pin)
  • Roy, Noel (30-year pin)
  • Rumsey, Susan (15-year pin)
  • Ryan, Kevin M. (45-year pin)
  • Saunders, Bill (20-year pin)
  • Smith, Glenn (20-year pin)
  • Smith, Greg (20-year pin)
  • Taylor, David (25-year pin)
  • Turner, Tim (25-year pin)
  • Vardy, Russell (15-year pin)
  • Walsh, Alison (15-year pin)

If you know of any other participant who may be eligible for a commemorative pin this year, please contact Joe Ryan at

In 1997, the Tely 10 Organizing Committee introduced commemorative pins to honor and recognize those runners who had competed in the Tely 10 road race for an extended number of years, beginning with a 15-Year Pin. Commemorative pins and certificates are now officially presented to participants who have run this historic and prestigious race for 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 + years. The Organizing Committee sincerely thanks those participants for their long-term commitment to this event.

You may also be interested in the list of long-time Tely 10 Participants with 14 or more completed Tely 10 races.

Awarded Pins List since 1997
(updated June 20, 2024)

45 - year Pin

Ryan, Joe 2017

40 - year Pin

Boyle, Michael 2017
Bulgin, Joan 2022
Churchill, Randy 2022
Ryan, Joe 2012
Ryan, Kevin M. 2018

35 - year Pin

Angel, Robert 2018
Boyle, Mike 2011
Bruce, Gary 2019
Bulgin, Joan 2016
Churchill, Randy 2015
Connors, Frank 2017
Kavanagh, Mike 2016
Ryan, Joe 2007
Ryan, Kevin 2013
Wight, Fred 2018

30 - year Pin

Angel, Robert 2013
Boyle, Mike 2005
Bruce, Gary 2014
Bulgin, Joan 2011
Churchill, Randy 2008
Cleary, Paul 2018
Connors, Frank 2012
Dodd, Danny 2015
Kavanagh, Mike 2012
Lawlor, Denise 2016
Meaney, Art 2010
Murphy, Chris 2013
Murphy, Pat 2012
Penney, Gerry 2017
Ploughman, Barry 2017
Redmond, Greg 2019
Ryan, Joe 2002
Ryan, Kevin 2008
Seymour, John 2021
Veitch, Brendan 2021
Warren, Gary 2011
Wight, Fred 2012

25 - year Pin

Alcock, Bob 2016
Alcock, Marion 2019
Angel, John 2018
Angel, Robert 2008
Aylward, Bill 2019
Barnes, Jim 2012
Barrington, Tolson 2017
Boyle, Mike 2000
Browne, Peter N. 2019
Bruce, Gary 2009
Bulgin, Joan 2006
Cadigan, Barry 2021
Carroll, Bill 2013
Churchill, Paul 2021
Churchill, Randy 2003
Cleary, Paul 2013
Connors, Frank 2007
Deacon, Christopher 2018
Dodd, Danny 2010
Fagan, Kevin 2021
Fry, Don 2016
Gorman, Gary 2007
Griffin, Gerard 2017
Guzzwell, John 2013
Hancock, Gary 2016
Hynes, Elroy 2015
Hyslop, Robert 2019
Kavanagh, Mike 2007
Lang, Andrew 2019
Lawlor, Denise 2011
Ledrew, Bevin 2014
McCarthy, Steve 2013
Meaney, Art 2005
Muller, Eugene 2022
Murphy, Chris 2007
Murphy, Pat 2007
Noble, Eugene 2013
Noel, Glen 2018
O'Keefe, Danny 2015
Pardy, Kevin 2015
Penney, Gerry 2012
Perry, Susan 2019
Pike, Mary 2022
Ploughman, Barry 2012
Porter, Brian 2021
Power, Peter 2018
Redmond, Greg 2010
Roy, Noel 2013
Royle, Pat 2012
Rudofsky, Dave 2015
Ryan, Joe 1997
Ryan, Kevin 2003
Seymour, John 2015
Squires, Stanley 2017
Steele, Richard 2015
Tapper, George 2017
Veitch, Brendan 2015
Waren, Gary 2006
Wight, Fred 2007

20 - year Pin

Alcock, Bob 2011
Alcock, Marion 2014
Andrews, Cathy 2021
Andrews, Doug 2016
Angel, Ann 2019
Angel, Bob 2003
Angel, John 2010
Aylward, William 2013
Barnable, Glen 2001
Barnes, Jim 2004
Barrington, Tolson 2009
Barron, Florence 2017
Boyle, Mike 1997
Brien, John 2016
Brockerville, Gord 2016
Broders, Anthony 2017
Brown, Gloria 2019
Browne, Peter 2013
Bruce, Gary 2004
Bulgin, Joan 2001
Burden, Gary 2015
Burke, Tom 2019
Cadigan, Barry 2015
Carrigan, Brian 2021
Carroll, Bill 2008
Churchill, Paul 2015
Churchill, Randy 1997
Cleary, Paul 2009
Connors, Frank 2002
Crant, Calvin 2016
Dalton, Gerry 2022
Dawe, Geoff 2002
Dawe, Lloyd 2017
Deacon, Chris 2013
Decker, Donald 2017
Dillon, Wayne 2016
Dodd, Danny 2005
Doyle, Cyril 2021
Duguid, Nigel 2016
Dunne, Ben 2005
Elliott, Eugene 2021
Fagan, Kevin 2014
Fitzgerald, Scott 2017
Fost, Fred 2002
Fry, Bob 2021
Fry, Don 2011
Galway, Gerry 2021
Gammon, Peter 2022
Glynn, Kevin 2019
Gorman, Gary 2002
Goulding, Bill 2018
Griffin, Gerard 2012
Grouchy, Doug 2012
Gushue, Kirian 2012
Guzzwell, John 2008
Hancock, Gary 2011
Hanlon, John 2008
Harris, Jennifer 2009
Hartery, Joan 2021
Hickey, David 2007
Holwell, Dermot 2018
Hynes, Bernard 2022
Hynes, Elroy 2010
Hyslop, Robert 2014
Kavanagh, Fred 2004
Kavanagh, Mike 2002
Kelly, David 2014
Lahey, Paul 2018
Lang, Andrew 2013
Lawlor, Denise 2006
LeDrew, Bevin 2007
LeRiche, Len 2010
Mack, Anne 2021
Maher, William J 2021
Marshall, Gerry 2021
Martin, Ruby 2019
McCarthy, Steve 2006
Meaney, Art 1998
Morrissey, David 2019
Muller, Eugene 2011
Murphy, Chris 2002
Murphy, Pat 2002
Newhook, Paul 2021
Noble, Gene 2008
Nolan, Stephen 2022
Noseworthy, Eric 2008
Noseworthy, Robert A. 2018
Nurse, Debbie 2014
Nurse, William P. 2019
O'Keefe, Danny 2010
Pardy, Kevin 2010
Peddle, Keith 2019
Peddle, Kevin 2022
Pender, Kevin 2022
Penney, Dan 2019
Penney, Gerry 2007
Perry, Susan 2014
Pike, Mary 2015
Pilgrim, Connie 2022
Ploughman, Barry 2007
Pomeroy, Bill 2017
Porter, Brian 2014
Power, Donna 2022
Power, George 2022
Power, Peter 2012
Redmond, Greg 2004
Roule, Renee 2022
Roy, Noel 2008
Royle, Pat 2007
Rudofsky, Dave 2010
Ryan, John 2017
Ryan, Kevin 1998
Ryan, Lou 2017
Seymour, Flora 2012
Seymour, John 2010
Sheppard, Judy 2021
Singleton, Joe 2016
Singleton, Lorraine 2022
Smith, Donna 2017
Soucy, Peter 2017
Squires, Stanley 2012
Stack, Terry 2019
Steele, David 2016
Steele, Rick 2005
Sullivan, Karl 2004
Tapper, George 2011
Taylor, David 2016
Thompson, David 2021
Thornhill, Clyde 2017
Turner, Timothy 2015
Veitch, Brendan 2010
Wade, Gerry 2017
Warren, Gary 2001
Whalen, Brian 2018
Wight, Fred 2002
Williams, Patricia 2017
Woodrow, Jim 2017
Yetman, Patsy 2018
Young, Charlie 2016

15 - year Pin

Abbott, Susan 2022
Adams, John 2018
Alcock, Bob 2006
Alcock, Marion 2008
Alyward, Bill 2008
Andrews, Cathy 2014
Andrews, Doug 2006
Angel, Ann 2014
Angel, Bob 1998
Angel, John 2004
Baggs, Marie 2016
Baggs, Wayne 2019
Bailey, Keith 2018
Barnable, Glen 1997
Barnes, Jim 1997
Barnes, Morris 2017
Barnes, Theresa 2009
Barrett, Heather 2022
Barrington, Tolson 2004
Barron, Florence 2012
Barry, Barbara 2011
Barry, Dennis 2005
Barry, Irene 2013
Bazeley, Peter 2021
Beazley, Guy 2022
Best, Donna 2014
Bidgood, Billy 2019
Bishop, John 2019
Boyde, William 2022
Brenton, Barbara 2019
Brewer, Jill 2010
Brien, John 2007
Brockerville, Gord 2010
Broders, Anthony 2012
Brown, Gloria 2014
Brown, Howard 2019
Brown, Robert 2015
Browne, Peter 2005
Bruce, Andrew 2019
Bruce, Gary 1999
Budden, Geoff 2019
Bulgin, Joan 1997
Burden, Gary 2010
Burke, Tom 2014
Burt, Donna 2018
Butt, Donald 2018
Byrne, Secina 2021
Cadigan, Barry 2010
Cameron, Marilyn 2013
Carrigan, Brian 2015
Carroll, Bill 2003
Cavanagh, Chris 2016
Chafe, Ann 2019
Cheeseman, Michelle 2019
Churhill, Paul 2010
Cleary, Paul 2003
Coady, Jamie 2012
Coady, Regina 2017
Collingwood, Eileen 2019
Collingwood, Jeff 2014
Collins, John 2007
Collins, Patrick 2014
Connolly, Sharon L. 2019
Connors, Frank 1997
Cooper, David 2017
Corbett, Denise 2021
Cowan, John 2021
Cowley, Ann 2017
Cox, Barbara 2019
Cox, Chris 2021
Cox, Tony 2018
Coxworthy, Paul 2017
Crane, George 1997
Crant, Calvin 2011
Cunningham, Paul 2019
Dalton, Gerry 2016
Dawe, Geoff 1997
Dawe, Lloyd 2012
Day, Helen 2017
Day, Susan 2021
Deacon, Chris 2005
Decker, Donald 2013
Delahunty, Deanne 2018
Delurey, Joe 2001
Dillon, Mark 2016
Dillon, Wayne 2011
Dobbin, Lisa 2019
Dodd, Danny 2000
Doran, Gerard 2004
Downey, Scott 2019
Doyle, Cyril 2015
Doyle, Jim 2015
Duguid, Andrea 2019
Duguid, Nigel 2012
Dunne, Ben 1997
Dunphy, Brian 2019
Durnford, Ed 2021
Earles, Ron 2017
Eason, Gary 2019
Edmunds, Ron 2005
Elliott, Eugene 2011
Elliott, Les 2001
Fagan, Kevin 2009
Fancy, Bruce 2022
Fanning, Bill 2014
Fewer, Colin 2017
Fewer, Paul 2013
Ficken, Dan 2021
Fillier, Harold 2015
Fitzgerald, Scott 2012
Fitzpatrick, Loyola 2009
Flanagan, Susan 2019
Flynn, Dennis 2019
Flynn, Sheila 2022
Foley, John 2017
Follett, Randy 2017
Fost, Fred 1997
Fry, Bob 2009
Fry, Dan 2021
Fry, Don 2006
Furey, Janet 2019
Furlong, Kim 2021
Galway, Gerry 2013
Gammon, Peter 2016
Gill, Betty 2017
Glynn, Kevin 2014
Gorman, Bruce 2016
Gorman, Gary 1997
Goulding, Bill 2014
Griffin, Gerard 2007
Grouchy, Doug 2007
Gushue, Kirian 2004
Guzzwell, John 2003
Hall, Doug 2014
Hancock, Gary 2006
Handrigan, Dave 1999
Hanlon, John 2003
Hardiman, Harold 2016
Harris, Jenny 2003
Hart, D'Arcy 2010
Hart, Danny 2005
Hartery, Joan 2015
Hawco, Jim 2018
Heffernan, Craig 2017
Heneghan, Paul 2021
Hennessey, Dave 2017
Hensman, Linda 2019
Hermanto, Ivi 2018
Hewitt, Sharon 2018
Hickey, Dave 2002
Hicks, Barry 2021
Hillier, Edward 2017
Hiscock, Murdock 2018
Hodder, Brian 2022
Hollahan, Mike 2021
Holwell, Derm 2011
Horlick, Gerald 2012
Hounsell, Wayne 2016
Hynes, Bernard 2016
Hynes, Elroy 2005
Hyslop, Robert 2009
James, Rosemarie 2014
Jardine, Fred 2011
Jerrett, Bernadette 2017
Kavanagh, Fred 1999
Kavanagh, Mike 1997
Kelly, David 2010
Kennedy, Florence 2015
Kieley, William 2018
Kirby, Jim 2007
Kirkland, Michael 2021
Knott, Robyn 2011
Lahey, Paul 2013
Laing, Lloyd 2017
Lake, Joe 2010
Lang, Andrew 2007
Larouche, Kim 2019
Lawes, Rick 2021
Lawlor, Denise 2001
LeDrew, Bevin 2001
LeDrew, Doug 2007
LeDrew, George 2009
Lee, Bob 2021
LeRiche, Len 2002
Lewis, Doug 2018
Lewis, Peter 1997
Long, Ed 2011
Lynch, John 2003
Mack, Anne 2014
MacKenzie, Heather 2016
Maher, William J. 2016
Marshall, Gerry 2015
Martin, Ruby 2014
Martin, Yvonne 2018
Martyn, Susan 2022
Matthews, Paul 2019
McAleese, Kevin 2018
McCall, Isabel 2010
McCarthy, Steve 2000
McKinnon, Dave 2010
McKinnon, Ken 2010
McLean, Steve 2010
Meaney, Art 1997
Mercer, David 2014
Molloy, Trish 2021
Morgan, Jane 2017
Morrissey, David P 2011
Muller, Eugene 2001
Mullins, Craig 2015
Murphy, Chris 1997
Murphy, Patricia 1997
Murthy, Bala 2017
Neary, Noreen 2016
Newhook, Paul 2015
Newhook, Paula Marie 2017
Noble, Gene 2003
Noel, Glen 2007
Nolan, Stephen 2016
Noseworthy, Eric 2003
Noseworthy, Robert 2013
Nurse, Debbie 2008
Nurse, William P 2014
O'Connell, Dan 2019
O'Keefe, Danny 2005
O'Leary, John 2002
Osmond, Derek 2022
Outerbridge, John 2022
Owens, Daniel 2021
Pardy, Kevin 2005
Parrish, Chris 2018
Paul, Anthony 2015
Paul, G. Vaughan 2018
Peddle, David 2019
Peddle, Keith 2014
Peddle, Kevin 2016
Pender, Kevin 2016
Penney, Dan 2014
Penney, Gerry 2002
Perry, Sue 2009
Phelan, Sean 2017
Pike, Mary 2010
Pilgrim, Connie 2016
Ploughman, Barry 2002
Pomeroy, Bill 2012
Porter, Brian 2009
Porter, Sandi 2018
Porter, Stephanie 2019
Porter-Hart, Ruth 2022
Power, Alfred 2017
Power, Andrea 2019
Power, Donna 2016
Power, Peter 2006
Power, Tony 2003
Prince, Donald 2015
Purchase, Randy 2006
Quedinet, Benoit 2017
Quigley, Bren 2001
Quigley, Claude 2010
Quinn, Mark 2021
Reddick, Brian 2019
Redmond, Greg 1999
Robinson, John 2022
Rogers, Reuben 2009
Rose, Patricia 2017
Roule, Renee 2015
Rowe, Terry 2019
Roy, Noel 2003
Royle, Pat 2001
Rudofsky, Dave 2005
Ryan, Anne Marie 2019
Ryan, Cathy 2016
Ryan, Cynthia 2015
Ryan, Jane 2018
Ryan, John 2010
Ryan, Kevin 1997
Ryan, Linda 2010
Ryan, Lou 2012
Saunders, Bill 2017
Saunders, Marc 2019
Saunders, Samuel 2009
Scott, Ken 2019
Seymour, Debbie 2018
Seymour, Flora 2006
Seymour, John 2005
Shea, Paul 2022
Sheppard, Bruce 2018
Sheppard, Judy 2015
Simms, Gail 2019
Singleton, Joe 2010
Singleton, Kay 2019
Singleton, Lorraine 2016
Sloan, Jack 2022
Smith, Donna 2011
Smith, Glenn 2014
Smith, Greg 2018
Smith, Walter 2018
Somerton, Garfield 2010
Soucy, Margo 2022
Soucy, Pete 2012
Squires, Stan 2006
St. Croix, Harold 1998
Stack, Terry 2014
Stack, Tom 2022
Steele, David 2010
Steele, Rick 1999
Stewart-Sharpe, Madonna 2019
Sullivan, Glenn 2017
Sullivan, Karl 1999
Tapper, George 2005
Taylor, Barry 2014
Taylor, David 2009
Thavanathan, Joseph 2018
Thompson, David 2014
Thornhill, Clyde 2011
Tobin, Kevin 2013
Trainor, Sharon 2018
Turner, Tim 2010
Veitch, Brendan 2005
Wadden, Donna 2017
Wadden, Noeleen 2017
Wade, Gerry 2011
Walsh, Adele 2017
Walsh, Brian J 2019
Walsh, Gerry 2010
Walsh, John 2018
Ward, Keith 2010
Warford, Colleen 2021
Warren, Donna 2019
Warren, Gary 1997
White, Jason 2018
Wight, Fred 1997
Williams, Patricia 2012
Winsor, Spencer 2022
Woodrow, Jim 2012
Yetman, Marion 2016
Yetman, Patsy 2013
Young, Charlie 2003
Young, Tony 2011