Paradise - Mount Pearl - St. John’s, NL, Canada Start Time - 8:00am (Wheelchair 7:57am)

RACE DAY - June 22, 2025


Long time Tely 10 Participants with 14 or more completed Tely 10 races (1922 - 2023)
(updated June 19, 2024)

Please report errors and omissions by contacting the NLAA office at (709) 576-1303 or via email. Please visit this page for information on the Tely 10 “Commemorative Pins” program.

Names and Nicknames + click to display

To track an athlete’s participation in the Tely 10 for the Commemorative Pins Program, NLAA uses a database of all finishers throughout the history of the race to calculate how many runs each participant has completed.

For this to work efficiently and correctly, every time individuals register for the Tely 10, they must use the exact name they have used in previous years.

The Tely 10 database does not see the entry as the same person if any occurrence of the name is different, including initials with or without the full stop or additional spaces.

For instance, you registered for your first Tely 10 as “Michael G. Richards,”, you registered for the second year as “Michael G Richards,” and your third year as “Mike Richards.” Our database sees all of these entries as three separate people. Something as small as a period after an initial (not present in subsequent or following years) will make a big difference in the count, as this is identified as a different person.

Example 2: if you ran in 2010 as “Mary Smith,” then you got married in 2011 and registered that year as “Mary O’Brien,” the database sees this as two different people.

Example 3: You registered as “Richard.” The following year you registered as “Rich,” and then the year after that, “Dick.”

There are some common instances in which you may have registered under another name:

  • You got married
  • You got divorced
  • You changed your name

If you are aware that another person is registered for the Tely matching your name, please use an identifier, such as a middle initial at the end of your first name.

Examples of shortened names:

  • Anthony → Tony
  • Carolyn → Carrie → Carol
  • Charles → Charlie → Chuck
  • Daniel → Dan → Danny
  • Elizabeth → Beth → Lizzie → Bessie → Libby → Liz → Liza
  • Gerald → Gerry → Jerry
  • Johnathan → John → Jon → Nathan
  • Joseph → Joey → Joe
  • Katherine → Kathy → Katie
  • Matthew → Matt
  • Michael → Mike
  • Robert → Bob → Rob → Robbie → Bobby
  • Stephanie → Steph → Steff
  • Stephen → Steve → Steven
  • Thomas → Tom → Tommy
  • Victoria → Vicky → Toria → Vic
  • William → Willie → Bill

Completed 14 or more Tely 10 Races

Races Name
16 Abbott, Susan (77)
19 Adams, John (66)
29 Alcock, Bob (52)
26 Alcock, Marion (48)
22 Andrews, Cathy (49)
20 Andrews, Douglas (56)
23 Angel, Ann (56)
25 Angel, John (55)
39 Angel, Robert (48)
14 Antle, Scott (69)
25 Aylward, Bill (46)
14 Badcock, Lisa (65)
16 Baggs, Marie (57)
17 Baggs, Wayne (51)
16 Bailey, Keith (72)
24 Barnable, Glenn (48)
15 Barnes, Jeff (69)
28 Barnes, Jim (44)
15 Barnes, Morris (61)
17 Barnes, Theresa (64)
16 Barrett, Heather (68)
30 Barrington, Tolson (47)
25 Barron, Florence (38)
16 Barry, Barbara (51)
18 Barry, Denis (47)
19 Barry, Irene (53)
14 Bartlett, Steve (68)
17 Bazeley, Peter (84)
15 Beazley, Guy (59)
15 Best, Donna (58)
15 Bidgood, Billy (62)
17 Bishop, John (53)
16 Boyde, William (46)
40 Boyle, Michael (44)
15 Brenton, Barbara (70)
15 Brewer, Jill (59)
25 Brien, John (51)
22 Brockerville, Gordon (53)
23 Broders, Anthony (64)
14 Brown, garett (86)
22 Brown, Gloria (60)
18 Brown, Howard (55)
19 Brown, Robert (59)
25 Browne, Peter N. (61)
18 Bruce, Andrew (77)
38 Bruce, Gary (52)
16 Budden, Geoff (62)
40 Bulgin, Joan (47)
24 Burden, Gary (50)
16 Burden, John (52)
23 Burke, Tom (54)
14 Bursey, Peter (56)
18 Burt, Donna (64)
14 Butler, Steve (77)
16 Butt, Donald (42)
16 Byrne, Secina (61)
14 Cable, Sandra (53)
17 Cadigan, Barbara (61)
25 Cadigan, Barry (65)
14 Cahill, Judy (72)
15 Cameron, Marilyn (47)
22 Carrigan, Brian (58)
25 Carroll, Bill (39)
18 Cavanagh, Chris (76)
15 Chafe, Ann (51)
15 Cheeseman, Michelle (65)
27 Churchill, Paul (53)
40 Churchill, Randy (50)
34 Cleary, Paul (56)
22 Coady, Gerry (50)
17 Coady, Jamie (72)
19 Coady, Regina (60)
18 Collingwood, Eileen (57)
18 Collingwood, Jeff (62)
14 Collins, Andrew (83)
15 Collins, John (47)
15 Collins, Patrick (53)
16 Connolly, Sharon L. (55)
40 Connors, Frank (57)
15 Constantine, Ruby (54)
17 Cooper, David (57)
16 Corbett, Denise (57)
15 Cowan, John (71)
16 Cowley, Ann (59)
15 Cox, Barbara (54)
17 Cox, Chris (69)
16 Cox, Tony (54)
15 Coxworthy, Paul (64)
18 Crane, George (21)
23 Crant, Calvin (52)
14 Crant, Steve (77)
14 Croft, Brian (59)
15 Cunningham, Paul (72)
21 Dalton, Gerry (63)
22 Dawe, Geoff (48)
25 Dawe, Lloyd (61)
18 Day, Helen (46)
15 Day, Susan (73)
25 Deacon, Christopher (57)
25 Decker, Donald (57)
18 Delahunty, Deanne (72)
17 Delurey, Joe (39)
14 Dillon, Gerriann (72)
15 Dillon, Linda (77)
17 Dillon, Mark (81)
23 Dillon, Wayne (53)
17 Dobbin, Lisa (62)
36 Dodd, Danny (55)
18 Doran, Gerard (56)
18 Downey, Scott (61)
14 Doyle, Adam (86)
21 Doyle, Cyril (55)
18 Doyle, Jim (64)
17 Duguid, Andrea (75)
21 Duguid, Nigel (46)
14 Dumaresque, Bruce (63)
20 Dunne, Ben (47)
16 Dunphy, Brian (55)
17 Durnford, Ed (67)
17 Earles, Ron (61)
15 Eason, Gary (52)
18 Edmunds, Ron (54)
22 Elliott, Eugene (47)
15 Elliott, Les (48)
14 Fagan, Don (74)
25 Fagan, Kevin (60)
16 Fancy, Bruce (58)
18 Fanning, Bill (57)
18 Fewer, Colin (77)
17 Fewer, Paul (60)
17 Ficken, Dan (81)
15 Fillier, Harold (52)
23 Fitzgerald, Scott (68)
15 Fitzpatrick, Loyola (52)
18 Flanagan, Susan (67)
18 Flynn, Dennis (67)
15 Flynn, Sheila (68)
15 Foley, John S. (53)
17 Follett, Randy (72)
19 Fost, Fred (48)
21 Fry, Bob (53)
17 Fry, Dan (94)
27 Fry, Don (57)
17 Furey, Janet (58)
20 Furlong, Kim (65)
14 Furlong-Mallard, Judy (66)
20 Galway, Gerry (57)
14 Gamberg, Gerard (57)
21 Gammon, Peter (54)
19 Gill, Betty (56)
15 Glynn, Keith (62)
23 Glynn, Kevin (50)
17 Goodridge, Bill (58)
20 Gorman, Bruce (58)
25 Gorman, Gary (49)
24 Goulding, Bill (63)
30 Griffin, Gerard (63)
24 Grouchy, Douglas (66)
21 Gushue, Kirian (52)
25 Guzzwell, John (53)
16 Hall, Doug (57)
27 Hancock, Gary (57)
17 Handrigan, Dave (56)
23 Hanlon, John (54)
15 Hann, Charlotte (71)
20 Hardiman, Harold (50)
15 Harding, Cheryl (58)
21 Harris, Jennifer (64)
18 Hart, D'Arcy (57)
14 Harte, Danny (61)
22 Hartery, Joan (53)
19 Hawco, Jim (50)
19 Heffernan, Craig (71)
17 Heneghan, Paul (62)
15 Hennessey, Dave (55)
15 Hensman, Linda (52)
19 Hermanto, Ivi (62)
15 Hewitt, Sharon (58)
19 Hickey, David P (52)
15 Hickman, Joanne (62)
17 Hicks, Barry (66)
17 Hillier, Edward (53)
17 Hiscock, Murdock (42)
16 Hodder, Brian (65)
17 Hollahan, Mike (70)
22 Holwell, Dermot (54)
18 Horlick, Gerald (36)
15 Hounsell, Wayne (48)
15 Howard, Robert (59)
15 Howell, Donald (56)
21 Hynes, Bernard (49)
32 Hynes, Elroy (45)
25 Hyslop, Robert (47)
15 James, Rosemarie (41)
15 James Cook, Lisa (66)
15 Jardine, Frederick (48)
20 Jerrett, Bernadette (56)
14 Johnson, Carl (56)
14 Kane, Jackie (60)
20 Kavanagh, Fred (60)
39 Kavanagh, Mike (58)
16 Kelly, David P (70)
15 Kennedy, Alice (60)
17 Kennedy, Florence (61)
14 Kennedy, Natasha (71)
15 Kieley, William (60)
14 King, John (49)
14 King, Wade (75)
17 Kirby, James (49)
15 Kirkland, Michael (75)
17 Knott, Robyn (65)
14 Lacey, Karen (74)
24 Lahey, Paul (53)
16 Laing, Lloyd (57)
15 Lake, Joe William (53)
25 Lang, Andrew (51)
14 Lannon, Donald (54)
15 Larouche, Kim (66)
15 Lawes, Laura (88)
17 Lawes, Rick (56)
34 Lawlor, Denise (54)
25 LeDrew, Bevin (46)
15 LeDrew, Douglas (63)
18 LeDrew, George (42)
16 Lee, Bob (58)
15 LeGrow, Diane (61)
23 LeRiche, Len (53)
15 Lewis, Doug (63)
17 Lewis, Peter (61)
17 Long, Ed (57)
18 Lynch, John (48)
14 Macbay, Katherine (82)
22 Mack, Anne (66)
15 MacKenzie, Heather (61)
14 Maher, Tim (94)
20 Maher, William J (42)
22 Marshall, Gerry (56)
14 Martin, Chris (78)
14 Martin, Darlene (64)
14 Martin, Gary (65)
14 Martin, Patrick (62)
23 Martin, Ruby (57)
17 Martin, Yvonne (58)
15 Martyn, Susan (73)
17 Matthews, Paul (66)
15 May, Eric (56)
16 McAleese, Kevin (53)
17 McCall, Isabel (51)
28 McCarthy, Steve (52)
15 McKenna, Betty (53)
17 McKinnon, David (58)
16 McKinnon, Ken (56)
17 McLean, Steve (48)
34 Meaney, Art (44)
14 Meaney, Lucy (39)
15 Mercer, David (50)
14 Mercer, Maxwell (51)
14 Mesh, Michelle (68)
16 Molloy, Trish (60)
16 Morgan, Jane (60)
14 Morrissey, Damian (58)
20 Morrissey, David (59)
14 Mulcahy, Brian (48)
26 Muller, Eugene (49)
18 Mullins, Craig (76)
31 Murphy, Chris G (52)
30 Murphy, Pat (51)
15 Murthy, Bala (50)
18 Neary, Noreen (69)
20 Newhook, Paul (64)
16 Newhook, Paula Marie (70)
25 Noble, Eugene (52)
29 Noel, Glen (65)
21 Nolan, Stephen (69)
21 Noseworthy, Eric (47)
15 Noseworthy, Michael (88)
20 Noseworthy, Robert A (53)
25 Nurse, Debbie (56)
20 Nurse, William P. (46)
15 O'Connell, Dan (47)
25 O'Keefe, Danny (47)
17 O'Leary, John (50)
14 O'Neill, Clarence (58)
14 Ogilvie, Stuart (76)
15 Osmond, Derek (47)
16 Outerbridge, John (64)
16 Owens, Daniel (63)
27 Pardy, Kevin (39)
19 Parrish, Chris (58)
19 Paul, Anthony (69)
14 Paul, Fred (60)
16 Paul, G. Vaughan (58)
15 Peddle, David (47)
22 Peddle, Keith (49)
21 Peddle, Kevin (52)
21 Pender, Kevin (68)
20 Penney, Dan (59)
32 Penney, Gerry (51)
14 Perry, Roy (46)
27 Perry, Susan (52)
15 Phelan, Sean (69)
25 Pike, Mary (56)
14 Pike, Tony (65)
21 Pilgrim, Connie (74)
31 Ploughman, Barry (58)
24 Pomeroy, Bill (66)
25 Porter, Brian (57)
19 Porter, Sandi (81)
16 Porter, Stephanie (75)
14 Porter, Trudy (64)
15 Porter-Hart, Ruth (50)
19 Power, Alfred (61)
18 Power, Andrea (73)
15 Power, Colin (56)
21 Power, Donna (62)
22 Power, Edward (52)
26 Power, Peter (63)
18 Power, Sharon (62)
17 Power, Tony (53)
15 Prince, Donald (52)
14 Pumphrey, Cyril (65)
19 Purchase, Randy (56)
16 Quedinet, Benoit (54)
16 Quigley, Bren (45)
15 Quigley, Claude (49)
15 Quinn, Mark (64)
15 Quinton, Diana (65)
17 Reddick, Brian (57)
32 Redmond, Greg (57)
15 Reid, Sheri-Lynn (84)
16 Robinson, John (55)
16 Rogers, Reuben (46)
18 Rose, Patricia (53)
14 Rossiter, Andrew (72)
20 Roule, Renee (68)
15 Rowe, Terry (62)
29 Roy, Noel (43)
15 Royle, Ian (80)
30 Royle, Patrick (47)
28 Rudofsky, Dave (47)
14 Rudofsky, Mike (80)
14 Rumsey, Susan (67)
15 Ryan, Anne Marie (57)
18 Ryan, Cathy (50)
15 Ryan, Cynthia (58)
16 Ryan, Jane (58)
50 Ryan, Joe (49)
25 Ryan, John C. (54)
44 Ryan, Kevin M. (54)
18 Ryan, Linda (54)
23 Ryan, Lou (51)
19 Saunders, Bill (44)
16 Saunders, Marc (75)
18 Saunders, Sam (50)
17 Scott, Ken (57)
16 Seymour, Debbie (59)
23 Seymour, Flora (63)
30 Seymour, John (61)
14 Shea, Doug (54)
16 Shea, Paul (63)
15 Sheppard, Bruce (51)
22 Sheppard, Judy (51)
15 Simms, Gail (57)
25 Singleton, Joe (49)
15 Singleton, Kay (56)
20 Singleton, Lorraine (51)
15 Sloan, Jack (62)
23 Smith, Donna (58)
19 Smith, Glenn (62)
19 Smith, Greg (60)
15 Smith, Walter (48)
19 Somerton, Garfield (50)
16 Soucy, Margo (78)
25 Soucy, Peter (60)
25 Squires, Stanley (44)
17 St. Croix, Harold (58)
20 Stack, Terry (46)
16 Stack, Tom (64)
21 Steele, David (55)
27 Steele, Richard (50)
17 Stewart-Sharpe, Madonna (68)
17 Sullivan, Glenn (70)
21 Sullivan, Karl (48)
30 Tapper, George (50)
17 Taylor, Barry (47)
24 Taylor, David (62)
15 Thavanathan, Joseph (50)
20 Thompson, David (41)
14 Thompson, Peter (76)
20 Thornhill, Clyde (52)
20 Tobin, Kevin (58)
16 Trainor, Sharon (62)
15 Turner, Jeff (75)
24 Turner, Tim (58)
14 Vardy, Russell (75)
32 Veitch, Brendan (53)
17 Wadden, Donna (56)
15 Wadden, Noeleen (62)
25 Wade, Gerry (53)
16 Walsh, Adele (57)
14 Walsh, Alison (81)
15 Walsh, Brian J (60)
19 Walsh, John (73)
16 Ward, Keith (59)
16 Warford, Colleen (71)
15 Warren, Donna (59)
32 Warren, Gary (56)
14 Wells, Sharon (54)
14 Welsh, Don (52)
23 Whalen, Brian (49)
16 White, Jason (75)
15 White, Kyle (94)
35 Wight, Fred (35)
20 Williams, Patricia (64)
15 Winsor, Spencer (72)
22 Woodrow, Jim (52)
20 Yetman, Marion (50)
23 Yetman, Patsy (48)
19 Young, Charlie Jr. (50)
19 Young, Tony (69)