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TrackFest 2025

Saturday, May 10, 2025

We are still in the process of updating the TrackFest website with all the details for the 2025 event.

TrackFest Program Overview

Run-Jump-Throw-Wheel to TrackFest

“Run-Jump-Throw-Wheel to TrackFest” is an annual program for students in grades 3 through 6, organized by the Newfoundland and Labrador Athletics Association (NLAA). For additional information or questions, please contact us at (709) 576-1303; nlaaoffice at gmail.com

TrackFest is held at the MUN Field House in St. John’s, and offers fun-filled RJTW activities, in a safe and controlled environment, ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience for participants, teachers and parents.

List of schools that have confirmed participation at TrackFest 2025.

What’s New in 2024?

SSNL Participation Nation

TrackFest is supported by Participation Nation School Sports NL. All schools must have Participation Nation Level 1 membership by Monday, March 11.

Participation Nation Contact:

Natelle Tulk
PN Program Coordinator, School Sports NL
E-Mail: ntulk@schoolsportsnl.ca
Tel: (709) 729-2710 / Fax: (709) 729-2705
Website: www.schoolsportsnl.ca/

Schools that meet the eligibility criteria - 50
  • Please get in touch with the NLAA office if you believe the above list is incomplete.


Registration is only available through Participation Nation schools that are affiliated with NLAA.
There is no individual registration. Please contact your school athletic director or PE teacher for additional information.
Registration deadline Tuesday, May 6.

TrackFest Competition

  • “Run-Jump-Throw-Wheel to TrackFest” is organized by NLAA.
  • Only NLAA-approved teachers or designated individuals can register athletes for TrackFest.
  • TrackFest meet fee is $10 per student.
  • All registrations must be done online on TrackieReg by Tuesday, May 6. Registration will open on Tuesday, April 22.
  • Up to 3 Individual Events: Each school can enter up to three participants per gender in each event and competition category.
  • Up to 3 Relay Teams per School: A school may enter up to three relay teams per gender in each competition category. Relays DO NOT count towards the maximum allowable individual events per participant. Athletes can be part of only one relay team.
  • Each school teacher sponsor is responsible for the program and will select students and assign their events. This is a “Participation Nation” supported event; identifying athletes for TrackFest should be based on participation in the school program and student’s interest in learning new skills.


  • Event T-shirt A drawstring bag.
  • Digital Participation Certificate
  • Award Ribbons (top 8)

Events for Boys and Girls

  • “Able Bodied” competitors cannot be entered in Wheelchair events.
  • Boys and girls will compete separately.
  • All participants must register on TrackieReg for their events.
  • Up to three events plus a relay: Participants may enter ANY three individual events and be part of ONE relay team, provided the school is within the maximum of three teams per event category.
  • A student can be a part of only one relay team.
  • Relay team submission:  team members, in running order, must be submitted directly to the NLAA office by the registration deadline - Tuesday, May 6 (relay form available from the NLAA office). NO Relay Alternatives are accepted during the registration process.
    • Athletes participating as part of a relay team, and that’s the only event they do, must register and pay on TrackieReg. To register, these athletes must select RELAY ONLY as an event. Athletes registered in individual events but are also part of a relay team MUST NOT select RELAY ONLY as an event.
  • All participants must compete in their grade and gender division.
  • Read more on events rules and technique here.

Elementary 1
(Grades 3/4)

  • 50m sprint
  • 50m wheelchair (self-propelled)
  • 50m Hurdles (50mH)
  • 150m sprint
  • 4 x 200m relay
  • Standing Long Jump
  • Two-hand overhead throw (ball size 4)
  • Two-hand overhead throw Wheelchair (Free throw)

Turbojav weighs 500 grams and is 42" long / Diameter: 1.5". The Turbojav has a polyethylene body and a super soft elastomer nose.

Elementary 2
(Grades 5/6)

  • 60m sprint
  • 60m wheelchair (self-propelled)
  • 60m Hurdles (60mH)
  • 200m sprint
  • 4 x 200m relay
  • Standing Long Jump
  • Two-hand overhead throw (ball size 4)
  • Two-hand overhead throw Wheelchair (Free throw)

Turbojav weighs 500 grams and is 42" long / Diameter: 1.5". The Turbojav has a polyethylene body and a super soft elastomer nose.

Entering the Field House

Spectators, parents, coaches and non-competing athletes are asked to use the TICKET OFFICE ENTRANCE (corner glass entrance)of the Field House to enter the building. They should then proceed to the upper level of the Field House to watch the competition.

Wheelchair Access

Please use the MAIN ENTRANCE of the Field House or Aquarena Pool to enter the building. Then you should proceed to the upper level of the Field House to watch the competition.

Spectator/Viewing Area

All spectators, coaches and non-competing athletes should use the second floor of the field house to view the competition.

Parking and Facility Entrance

Please use the Field House parking lot or the overflow Parking Lots marked 1A, specifically two next to the soccer field!.

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