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30th Annual Cross-country Series for Schools
Bowring Park, St. John's

Meet #3, October 7, 2023
Organized by NLAA

Grades 10 - 12 Girls and Boys 2500m

Results last updated - Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 @ 03:25pm
Event 9  Mixed 2500 Meter Run CC Grades 10-12
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points          
Results - Women 2500 Run                                                         
  1 #2763 Yetman, Clara      W08 Holy Heart H              9:18    1             
  2 #2751 Ahishakiye, Bridgi W07 Holy Heart H             10:11    2             
  3 #3032 Andrews, Baileigh  W08 O'Donel High School      10:36                  
  4 #3080 Upward, Raya       W08 Prince of Wa             10:40                  
  5 #2762 Steeves, Claudia   W06 Holy Heart H             11:06    3             
  6 #3078 Semmelroggen, Nina W07 Prince of Wa             11:12                  
  7 #2752 Dodd, Sarah        W08 Holy Heart H             11:35    4             
  8 #3036 Tuff, Victoria     W08 O'Donel High School      11:40                  
  9 #2757 Noguera, Lara      W07 Holy Heart H             11:59    5             
 10 #2649 Kaposy, Elizabeth  W06 Gonzaga High School      12:06    6             
 11 #2655 Pittman, Emma      W06 Gonzaga High School      12:50    7             
 12 #2652 Patro, Alpita      W08 Gonzaga High School      12:56    8             
 13 #2758 O'Brien, Kiran     W07 Holy Heart H             12:58    9             
 14 #2657 Yansaneh, Kadi     W06 Gonzaga High School      13:37   10             
 15 #2759 Palmer, Paige      W07 Holy Heart H             14:41   11             
 16 #2650 Kepich, Leena      W06 Gonzaga High School      17:09   12             
Results - Men 2500 Run                                                           
  1 #3342 Mack, David        M06 Waterford Va              8:24                  
  2 #3066 Avery, Benjamin    M07 Prince of Wa              8:42    1             
  3 #3035 Snow, Philip       M06 O'Donel High School       8:49                  
  4 #2760 Ryan, James        M08 Holy Heart H              9:03    2             
  5 #2452 Reddy, Landon      M06 Baltimore Sc              9:05    3             
  6 #2656 Santos, Arthur     M06 Gonzaga High School       9:06    4             
  7 #2450 Power, Evan        M06 Baltimore Sc              9:08    5             
  8 #3069 Gerhardt, Cole     M06 Prince of Wa              9:12    6             
  9 #2756 Lee, Brett         M07 Holy Heart H              9:17    7             
 10 #2651 Masek, Adam        M08 Gonzaga High School       9:19    8             
 11 #3073 Mohamoud, Ali      M06 Prince of Wa              9:50    9             
 12 #2446 O'Brien, Daniel    M07 Baltimore Sc              9:55   10             
 13 #2453 Ryan, Zachary      M06 Baltimore Sc              9:57   11             
 14 #3033 Barnable, Matis    M08 O'Donel High School      10:01                  
 15 #3077 Rowsell, Terrell   M07 Prince of Wa             10:04   12             
 16 #2430 Carey, William     M06 Baltimore Sc             10:08   13             
 17 #3357 Pine, Nicholas     M07 Prince of Wa             10:10   14             
 18 #2448 Perdunn, Logan     M08 Baltimore Sc             10:12   15             
 19 #2754 Hyde, Alexander    M07 Holy Heart H             10:16   16             
 20 #2654 Peddle, Alex       M06 Gonzaga High School      10:21   17             
 21 #3065 Alawaini, Moian    M06 Prince of Wa             10:24   18             
 22 #3072 Matthews, Gabe     M06 Prince of Wa             10:24   19             
 23 #3076 Richards, Jesse    M06 Prince of Wa             10:24   20             
 24 #3034 Emberley, Nason    M08 O'Donel High School      10:25                  
 25 #3071 Kolawole, Boluwati M06 Prince of Wa             10:35   21             
 26 #3074 Penney, Tristan    M06 Prince of Wa             10:53   22             
 27 #3070 Hepditch, Noah     M07 Prince of Wa             11:01   23             
 28 #2753 Evans, Benjamin    M07 Holy Heart H             11:19   24             
 29 #2427 Boland, Jayden     M08 Baltimore Sc             11:22   25             
 30 #3068 Doyle, Carter      M07 Prince of Wa             11:28   26             
 31 #2755 Keats, Ian         M06 Holy Heart H             11:32   27             
 32 #2761 Snow, Keagan       M08 Holy Heart H             11:43   28             
 33 #2648 Afridi, Nuh        M06 Gonzaga High School      13:01   29             
 34 #2653 Pearce, Nathaniel  M06 Gonzaga High School      13:03   30             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4   *5   *6   *7   *8   *9
Results - Men 2500 Run                                                           
   1 Prince of Wales Coll. - N    28    1    6    9   12   14   18   19   20   21
      Total Time:    37:48.00                                                    
         Average:     9:27.00                                                    
   2 Baltimore School Complex     29    3    5   10   11   13   15   25          
      Total Time:    38:05.00                                                    
         Average:     9:31.25                                                    
   3 Holy Heart High School       49    2    7   16   24   27   28               
      Total Time:    39:55.00                                                    
         Average:     9:58.75                                                    
   4 Gonzaga High School          58    4    8   17   29   30                    
      Total Time:    41:47.00                                                    
         Average:    10:26.75                                                    
Results - Women 2500 Run                                                         
   1 Holy Heart High School       10    1    2    3    4    5    9   11          
      Total Time:    42:10.00                                                    
         Average:    10:32.50                                                    
   2 Gonzaga High School          31    6    7    8   10   12                    
      Total Time:    51:29.00                                                    
         Average:    12:52.25                                                    

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