Holiday Hustle Track & Field Meet - 2024
Memorial University Field House.
Track Events: Sun, Dec 1 - Open Category, minimum age 16 (born in 2008 or earlier)
Field Events: Sun, Nov 24 (limited to MUN students)
There are no awards at this event.
There is no limit to the number of events a competitor may enter.
Entry Fees:
Regular: $10 for the first event / $5 for each additional event
Late: $20 for the first event / $5 for each additional event
Active Track & Field members or purchase $5 Day Permit.
Track Spikes
Pin length: 3mm maximum; athletes wearing track spikes with spike lengths longer than 3mm will be asked to remove their spikes and run wearing their indoor sneakers.
There will be no delays in the competition start times to allow athletes to change spike pins or footwear.
Spikes can only be worn on the track (red surface) while competing. Athletes are asked to remove their track spikes after they finish their race.
No spikes are permitted on the green synthetic surface and hardwood floor.
Athletes wearing spikes outside the designated areas will be disqualified and barred from further competition in the meet.
For more information on spike usage, please contact The Works at 709.737.3000 or click the link to provide feedback: http://www.theworksonline.ca/feedback.php.
Track Events - Sun, Dec 1
Location: Memorial University Field House.
Category: Open, minimum age 16 (born in 2008 or earlier)
Events: 60m, 60mWC, 60mH*, 300m, 600m, 1000m, 1500m, 3000m
Note: 60mH is limited to MUN students only.
Regular - $10 for the first event / $5 for each additional event registered by 11:59 pm, Thu, Nov 28.
Late - An additional fee ($10) will be attached to late registrations; late deadline Fri, Nov 29.
Tentative Schedule - Sun, Dec 1
- Bib # pick-up Begins @ 2:00 pm (meet day).
- Athletes must be available & ready to compete up-to 15 minutes before their designated event start time.
Time | Event |
3:00pm | 1500m Open Women |
3:10pm | 1500m Open Men |
3:25pm | 60mH Open Women |
3:30pm | 60mH Open Men |
3:35pm | 600m Open Women |
3:40pm | 600m Open Men |
3:50pm | 60m WC MIXED Women/Men |
3:50pm | 60m Open Women |
4:00pm | 60m Open Men |
4:10pm | 1000m Open Women |
4:15pm | 1000m Open Men |
4:25pm | 3000m Open Women |
4:40pm | 3000m Open Men |
5:00pm | 300m Open Women |
5:05pm | 300m Open Men |
Field Events - Sun, Nov 24
Location: PowerPlex, NL Sports Centre.
Category: Open, limited to MUN students only.
Events: Shot Put, Pole Vault, High Jump
Regular - $10 for the first event / $5 for each additional event registered by 11:59 pm, Thu, Nov 21.
Late - An additional fee ($10) will be attached to late registrations; late deadline Fri, Nov 22.
Tentative Schedule - Sun, Nov 24
- Bib # pick-up Begins @ 2:00 pm (meet day).
- Athletes must be available & ready to compete up-to 15 minutes before their designated event start time.
Time | Event |
2:15 | Shot Put |
2:15 | High Jump |
2:30 | Pole Vault |
Competition Rules
The competition will be conducted as per the World Athletics Handbook and variations as per Athletics Canada and NLAA rules.
Starting Commands for races 400m and shorter: “On your marks”, “Set”, the gun will be fired.
Starting Commands for races longer than 400m: “On your marks”, the gun will be fired. Standing Start!
Running in lanes for races 300m and shorter: all runners must remain in their assigned lanes for the duration of the race from start to finish. The races will be run entirely in lanes.
In the 600m a two (2) turn stagger start will be used with one (1) competitor per lane at the start, runners must stay in their assigned lanes during the first 2 turns, after they cross the “breakline” runners can cut into Lane 1.
False Start: Athlete(s) responsible for the false start will be disqualified.
A crouch start and the use of starting blocks is mandatory for race 400m and shorter.
It is the responsibility of each individual competitor to promptly report for their events.
All events will be run as Timed Section Finals (TSF).
Registration Information
Confirming Online Registration is the responsibility of each participant or the teacher/coach/parent completing the registration. After entering all personal information, you must click on PROCEED TO STEP 2 for payment. Clicking on SAVE & COMPLETE LATER will not register participants. Athletes successfully registered for the meet will have THEIR NAME APPEARED IMMEDIATELY ON THE CONFIRMATION LIST.
- Online registration and payment only. No telephone entries. No faxes. No entries by e-mail.
- School or Club name missing from the online registration form? - Only NLAA Affiliated Clubs/Schools are listed in the online Team form.
- Participants from schools/clubs not listed must select Unattached Newfoundland And Labrador (UNNL).
- Affiliated Schools are NOT eligible to claim discounts for this meet. Participants must be registered as NLAA Competitive members (Track & Field) or pay the One Day Fee.
- Refund Policy: There are no refunds, transfers or credits. No Change of events OR adding of new event after the Final Deadline.
- Membership or One Day Permit Fee: All participants must be NLAA Track & Field Members or purchase One Day Permit: Remember to enter NLAA Competitive membership # under "Member ID:" to avoid the extra $5 Day Permit Fee charge - NO REFUNDS.