9th Annual Warm-Up Cross Country Series for Schools
Results - Meet #1
Newfoundland & Labrador Athletic Assoc.                   Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
09/26/01 2:19 PM     Meet #1 - Cross Country Running Series              Page 1
          Provincial Recreation Centre, St. John's - Saturday 09/22/01         
                  Event 6 Born in 1990 Boys 1,500 Meter Run CC                 
                  Results by Order of Finish - Saturday 09/22/01                 
        % Meet: 5:13.00 Andrew Dil (89) Mary Queen of Peace, SJ 10/07/00       
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR TEAM                            TIME SCORE
   1  1159 Power, Jason           90 Cowan Heights Elementary %    5:06.5     1
   2  1102 Kielley, Evan          90 Rennie's River Elem /SJ       5:22.6     2
   3   724 Rogers, Mitchell       90 Holy Family School /Par       5:28.8     3
   4  1498 Simms, Jesse           90 Rennie's River Elem /SJ       5:33.3     4
   5  1114 Kavanagh, Chris        90 Holy Trinity Elem /Torba      5:33.8     5
   6   380 O'Grady, Patrick       90 St Teresa's School /SJ        5:34.3     6
   7   614 Chapman, Steve         90 Hazelwood Elementary /SJ      5:35.0     7
   8  1119 Burry, Adam            90 Beachy Cove Elem /PC          5:35.4     8
   9   401 Warford, Michael       90 Upper Gullies Elementary      5:42.6     9
  10   490 Murphy, Joshua         90 MacDonald Drive Elem.         5:43.3    10
  11  1083 Bradbury, Curtis       90 St Andrew's Elem /SJ          5:44.4    11
  12   767 Edington, Phil         90 Vanier Elementary             5:46.1    12
  13   259 Thorne, Jamie          90 St George's Elementary        5:49.0    13
  14   760 Christopher, Pope      90 Vanier Elementary             5:50.7    14
  15   616 Mahoney, Kenny         90 Hazelwood Elementary /SJ      5:52.1    15
  16   624 Bailey, Trevor         90 St Peter's School /UIC        5:52.8    16
  17  1286 Cleary, Matthew        90 Mary Queen of Peace /SJ       5:53.2    17
  18   404 Taylor, Luke Andrew    90 St Edwards Elementary /P      5:55.3    18
  19   509 Parsons, Andrew        90 Amalgamated Academy /Bay      5:55.7    19
  20  1108 Constantine, Jordan    90 St Anne's Academy /Dunvi      5:56.3    20
  21  1305 Pardy, Jonathan        90 Balbo Elementary /Shoal       5:58.9    21
  22  1363 Parsons, Stephen       90 Macpherson School /SJ         6:00.1    22
  23   669 Cashin, Ryan           90 St Francis Int School /H      6:02.5    23
  24  1358 Brown, Neil            90 MacDonald Drive Elem.         6:04.2    24
  25  1487 Critch, Stefan         90 Roncalli Elementary /SJ       6:05.6    25
  26  1260 Bishop, Mitchell       90 Acreman Elementary /GH        6:08.2    26
  27  1300 Gillespie, Ryan        90 Holy Family School /Par       6:08.9    27
  28   769 Fardy, Neil            90 Vanier Elementary             6:09.6    28
  29   512 Bishop, Andy           90 Amalgamated Academy /Bay      6:09.9    29
  30   381 Leveque, Alex          90 St Teresa's School /SJ        6:10.3    30
  31  1404 Robertson, Christopher 90 Lakecrest Ind. School         6:10.6    31
  32  1362 Fardy, Sean            90 Rennie's River Elem /SJ       6:11.6    32
  33   383 Melanson, Andrew       90 St Teresa's School /SJ        6:12.6    33
  34   393 Dunphy, Gordon         90 St Andrew's Elem /SJ          6:14.0    34
  35   511 Sparkes, Stefan        90 Amalgamated Academy /Bay      6:18.5    35
  36   384 Clift, Andrew          90 St Teresa's School /SJ        6:20.6    36
  37  1166 Howse, Daniel          90 St Andrew's Elem /SJ          6:20.9    37
  38  1109 Harvie, Jared          90 St Teresa's School /SJ        6:24.1    38
  39   758 Foley, Kyle            90 Vanier Elementary             6:24.7    39
  40  1082 Chafe, James           90 St Patrick's Elem /BB         6:25.1    40
  41   253 Haines, Chris          90 St George's Elementary        6:30.3    41
  42   725 Walsh, Andrew          90 Holy Family School /Par       6:31.0    42
  43  1264 Piercey, Evan          90 Acreman Elementary /GH        6:31.5    43
  44  1160 Smith, Alewx           90 Cowan Heights Elementary      6:32.1    44
  45   252 Ardern, Mike           90 St George's Elementary        6:32.4    45
  46   627 Young, Andrew          90 St Peter's School /UIC        6:32.8    46
  47   726 Ivany, Travis          90 Holy Family School /Par       6:33.1    47
  48  1284 Roberts, Grant         90 Mary Queen of Peace /SJ       6:34.3    48
  49  1210 Rolling, Scott         90 St Matthew's Elem /SJ         6:34.9    49
  50   522 Coombs, Cody           90 All Hallow's Elem /NR         6:35.7    50
  51   654 Hebbord, Matthew       90 St Peter's Elementary /M      6:36.5    51
  52   523 Evely, David           90 All Hallow's Elem /NR         6:37.7    52
  53   382 Lynch, Jonathan        90 St Teresa's School /SJ        6:38.1    53
  54  1211 Ennis, Andrew          90 St Matthew's Elem /SJ         6:38.9    54
  55   258 Coveyduck, Cory        90 St George's Elementary        6:39.6    55
  56  1262 Hoskins, Adam          90 Acreman Elementary /GH        6:40.1    56
  57   492 Boland, Stefan         90 MacDonald Drive Elem.         6:41.1    57
  58  1261 Harnum, Daniel         90 Acreman Elementary /GH        6:42.4    58
  59  1437 Ledwell, Jeremy        90 Baltimore School              6:43.5    59
  60   668 McCarthy, Matthew      90 St Francis Int School /H      6:45.0    60
  61  1118 Parsons, Nick          90 Beachy Cove Elem /PC          6:45.8    61
  62   611 Sutton, David          90 Hazelwood Elementary /SJ      6:46.9    62
  63   762 Tobin, Liam            90 Vanier Elementary             6:47.2    63
  64   625 Penney, Brad           90 St Peter's School /UIC        6:47.6    64
  65  1382 Thorne, Gregory        90 Beachy Cove Elem /PC          6:48.6    65
  66   618 Gillis, Morgan         90 Hazelwood Elementary /SJ      6:49.9    66
  67   613 Ivany, Stephan         90 Hazelwood Elementary /SJ      6:50.3    67
  68   703 Crane, Joshua          90 Holy Redeemer School /SB      6:50.8    68
  69  1368 Tee, William           90 St Patrick's Elem /BB         6:51.8    69
  70   705 Clarke, Jordan         90 Holy Redeemer School /SB      6:52.5    70
  71   277 White, Mason           90 Paradise Elementary           6:53.7    71
  72   385 Power, Grayson         90 St Teresa's School /SJ        6:55.5    72
  73  1299 Avis, Matthew          90 Mary Queen of Peace /SJ       6:57.8    73
  74   529 Snow, Alex             90 All Hallow's Elem /NR         6:58.9    74
  75   661 Quinlan, Aaron         90 St Francis Int School /H      6:59.9    75
  76  1367 White, Adam            90 St Patrick's Elem /BB         7:00.5    76
  77   626 Adams, Justin          90 St Peter's School /UIC        7:02.2    77
  78  1409 Croft, Dennis          90 Baltimore School              7:05.3    78
  79   255 Senior, Joshua         90 St George's Elementary        7:06.1    79
  80   617 Grenning, James        90 Hazelwood Elementary /SJ      7:06.9    80
  81  1480 O'Keefe, Sean          90 Beachy Cove Elem /PC          7:08.2    81
  82  1213 Hanlon, Chris          90 St Matthew's Elem /SJ         7:08.5    82
  83   510 Gosse, Danny           90 Amalgamated Academy /Bay      7:10.0    83
  84  1482 Thomas, Marcus         90 Beachy Cove Elem /PC          7:10.9    84
  85   665 Dwyer, Chris           90 St Francis Int School /H      7:11.3    85
  86   701 Pike, Stephen          90 Holy Redeemer School /SB      7:14.6    86
  87   655 Woolridge, Jeffrey     90 St Peter's Elementary /M      7:15.7    87
  88   763 Young, Tim             90 Vanier Elementary             7:16.1    88
  89   379 Hogan, Tyler           90 St Teresa's School /SJ        7:16.7    89
  90  1212 Holden, Devin          90 St Matthew's Elem /SJ         7:17.3    90
  91   691 Walsh, Jeff            90 St Bonaventure's College      7:18.8    91
  92  1209 Henderson, Scott       90 St Matthew's Elem /SJ         7:27.8    92
  93  1417 Hartery, Dustin        90 Baltimore School              7:28.2    93
  94   759 Eaton, Scott           90 Vanier Elementary             7:30.1    94
  95   766 Butler, Andrew         90 Vanier Elementary             7:34.9    95
  96  1400 Molloy, Neil           90 Mary Queen of Peace /SJ       7:41.6    96
  97  1453 Bishop, Adam           90 Pouch Cove Elementary         7:45.4    97
  98   764 de Bruyn, Richard      90 Vanier Elementary             7:51.3    98
  99   761 Kennedy, Michael       90 Vanier Elementary             7:53.1    99
 100   768 Collingood, Ken        90 Vanier Elementary             7:55.7   100
 101   257 Bursey, Evan           90 St George's Elementary        7:56.9   101
 102   265 Cox, Jesse             90 Paradise Elementary           7:58.7   102
 103   706 Brazil, Paul           90 Holy Redeemer School /SB      7:59.9   103
 104   708 Janes, Adam            90 Holy Redeemer School /SB      8:01.8   104
 105  1158 Harvey, Matthew        90 Cowan Heights Elementary      8:03.0   105
 106   524 Hanlon, Joshua         90 All Hallow's Elem /NR         8:07.0   106
 107   278 Conway, Brent          90 Paradise Elementary           8:13.2   107
 108   272 Wheeler, Matthew       90 Paradise Elementary           8:14.9   108
 109  1481 French, Paul           90 Beachy Cove Elem /PC          8:16.1   109
 110  1263 Legge, Jeremy          90 Acreman Elementary /GH        8:18.0   110
 111   421 Lowther, Chad          90 Newtown Elementary /MP        8:22.0   111
 112   254 McDonald, Darryl       90 St George's Elementary        8:25.0   112
 113   250 Smith, Matthew         90 St George's Elementary        8:27.4   113
 114   528 Ryan, Zachary          90 All Hallow's Elem /NR         8:28.5   114
 115   525 Laracy, Michael        90 All Hallow's Elem /NR         8:35.0   115
 116   704 Pottier, David         90 Holy Redeemer School /SB      8:41.9   116
 117   275 Morgan, Daniel         90 Paradise Elementary           8:43.3   117
 118   273 Smith, Curtis          90 Paradise Elementary           8:45.2   118
 119   279 Smith, Jordan          90 Paradise Elementary           8:48.9   119
 120   702 Neil, Adrian           90 Holy Redeemer School /SB      8:50.8   120
 121   526 Myrden, Matthew        90 All Hallow's Elem /NR         9:30.4   121
 122  1373 Sears, Mark            90 Holy Family School /Par       9:45.6   122
 123   247 Francis, Tim           90 St George's Elementary       10:37.8   123
 124   248 Rideout, Kevin         90 St George's Elementary       10:42.9   124
 125   707 Noseworthy, Matthew    90 Holy Redeemer School /SB     12:11.8   125
   -  1235 Chafe, Tyler           90 St Kevin's Elem /Goulds          DNF      
   -   505 Griffiths, Robbie      89 Amalgamated Academy /Bay          DQ      
                                BOY'S TEAM SCORES
Rank Team                    Total    1    2    3    4   *5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Vanier Elementary          93   12   14   28   39   63   88   94   95   98
      Total time:    24:11.1                                                   
         Average:     6:02.7                                                   
   2 St Teresa's School /SJ    105    6   30   33   36   38   53   72   89     
      Total time:    24:17.8                                                   
         Average:     6:04.4                                                   
   3 Holy Family School /Par   119    3   27   42   47  122                    
      Total time:    24:41.8                                                   
         Average:     6:10.4                                                   
   4 Hazelwood Elementary /S   150    7   15   62   66   67   80               
      Total time:    25:03.9                                                   
         Average:     6:15.9                                                   
   5 St George's Elementary    154   13   41   45   55   79  101  112  113  123
      Total time:    25:31.3                                                   
         Average:     6:22.8                                                   
   6 Amalgamated Academy /Ba   166   19   29   35   83                         
      Total time:    25:34.1                                                   
         Average:     6:23.5                                                   
   7 Acreman Elementary /GH    183   26   43   56   58  110                    
      Total time:    26:02.2                                                   
         Average:     6:30.5                                                   
   8 St Peter's School /UIC    203   16   46   64   77                         
      Total time:    26:15.4                                                   
         Average:     6:33.8                                                   
   9 Beachy Cove Elem /PC      215    8   61   65   81   84  109               
      Total time:    26:18.0                                                   
         Average:     6:34.5                                                   
  10 Mary Queen of Peace /SJ   234   17   48   73   96                         
      Total time:    27:06.9                                                   
         Average:     6:46.7                                                   
  11 St Francis Int School /   243   23   60   75   85                         
      Total time:    26:58.7                                                   
         Average:     6:44.6                                                   
  12 St Matthew's Elem /SJ     275   49   54   82   90   92                    
      Total time:    27:39.6                                                   
         Average:     6:54.9                                                   
  13 All Hallow's Elem /NR     282   50   52   74  106  114  115  121          
      Total time:    28:19.3                                                   
         Average:     7:04.8                                                   
  14 Holy Redeemer School /S   327   68   70   86  103  104  116  120  125     
      Total time:    28:57.8                                                   
         Average:     7:14.4                                                   
  15 Paradise Elementary       388   71  102  107  108  117  118  119          
      Total time:    31:20.5                                                   
         Average:     7:50.1                                                   
