Wed Oct 26 2005 at 1:45:22pm

78th Tely 10 Mile Road Race - Team Results

8:30 a.m., Sunday, July 24, 2005
Paradise/St. John´s, Newfoundland
Organized by the Newfoundland and Labrador Athletics Association
Battle of the Badges - Overall
Corporate Category - Female - Male - Mixed
Open Category - Female - Male - Mixed
NLAA Club Category - Female - Male

                  *********** Corporate Female **********

  1.   146  WHSCC
  1     14   1261 Kim Larouche                 4     49   1547 Lori-Lynn Way
  2     39   1198 Brenda Steele                5   (104)   855 Debbie Nurse
  3     44   1223 Paula Newhook                6   (240)  1548 Barbara McIsaac

  2.   793  New World Fitness B
  1     93   1372 Elaine Doyle                 4    302    858 Jennifer Hunt
  2    114    901 Kimberly Skinner             5   (433)   126 Wanda Yetman
  3    284   1228 Judy Sheppard                6   (631)   645 Allison Murphy

                   *********** Corporate Male **********

  1.   167  Provincial Public Service
  1     23   1492 Kenneth Hicks                4     70    887 Keith Adams
  2     25    573 Paul Caines                  5   (253)   326 Gerard Griffin
  3     49   1117 Steve McCarthy

  2.   347  Aliant "High-Speeders"
  1     46   1523 Dave Hennessey               4    113    528 Paul Matthews
  2     83    184 Colin Baker                  5   (354)   703 Chris Randell
  3    105   1438 Michael Jacobs

  3.   380  Fisheries & Oceans
  1     52    391 Greg Redmond                 4    137    502 Jerry Brothers
  2     89    352 Lou Ryan                     5   (290)  1042 John Lubar
  3    102    380 Bill Goulding                6   (417)   291 Ben Davis

                  *********** Corporate Mixed **********

  1.   304  New World Fitness A
  1     20    840 Janet Quick                  4    183    861 Paul Lahey
  2     45   1538 Kelda Farrell                5   (267)   522 Jim Flight
  3     56   1359 Janice Finlay                6   (713)   824 Derrick Puddicombe

  2.   453  Marine Institute
  1     21   1064 Rose Hatfield                4    167    694 Edward Durnford
  2    100    690 Chris Keats                  5   (169)   387 John Ryan
  3    165   1067 Kimberley Robertson          6   (254)   699 Mary Pippy

  3.   552  Patterson Palmer
  1     16    251 Glen Noel                    4    211    758 Len Leriche
  2    137    327 Kim Mackay                   5   (425)  1054 Nadine Noel
  3    188   1032 Anna Cook                    6   (712)   187 Andrew Wadden

                    *********** Open Female **********

                                NO TEAMS ENTERED

                     *********** Open Male **********

  1.    72  La Foulée des Iles
  1      4    302 Claudio Arthur               4     29    282 Jose Audouze
  2     17    281 Philippe Bernard             5   ( 37)   279 Benoît Quedinet
  3     22    303 Claude Heudes                6   ( 56)   304 Remy Arrossamena

                     *********** Open Mixed **********

  1.   587  Gonzaga & Company
  1     35    727 Lisa Hyde                    4    209    783 Doug LeDrew
  2    159    744 Ann Cowley                   5   (251)   386 Mary Pike
  3    184    106 Cory Gill                    6   (527)   745 Gerald Cowley

  2.   617  Huskey Energy
  1     66   1197 Patricia Murphy              4    261    489 Brian Walsh
  2     86   1496 Line Tremblay                5   (713)   586 Maralin Locke
  3    204   1497 Michael Fitzpatrick

  3.   793  New World Fitness Team New Com
  1     34   1133 Heather Andrews              4    377   1017 Darren Burns
  2    187   1018 Lana Burns                   5   (575)  1188 Kurtis Baggs
  3    195   1187 Raeleen Baggs                6   (785)  1134 Henry Andrews

                    *********** NLAA Female **********

  1.    24  Nautilus A
  1      1   1472 Caroline Mcilroy             4     10   1095 Renate Eckenweber
  2      4    652 Tracy Hussey                 5   ( 16)  1057 Marie Decker
  3      9    841 Kyla Porter

                     *********** NLAA Male **********

  1.    41  Athletics Northeast B
  1      2   1264 Dean Aylward                 4     21   1478 Merzi Dastoor
  2      5   1361 Peter Browne                 5   ( 42)   566 D'Arcy Hart
  3     13   1360 Anthony Conway

  2.    45  Athletics Northeast C
  1      1   1449 Colin Fewer                  4     27    895 Bill Pomeroy
  2      6   1512 Dave Ruggles                 5   (109)   276 Scott Downey
  3     11    904 Paul Donovan

  3.    49  Athletics Northeast A
  1      3    461 Peter Power                  4     24    831 Art Meaney
  2      8   1201 Jeff Collingwood             5   (108)  1227 Marcel Charland
  3     14    629 Jason Bailey

                     *********** Battle of the Badges **********

  1.   633  SJRFD
  1     66  Blair Mayo                  5    188  Derek Hunt
  2     91  Don Feehan                  6   (208) Glenn Stapleton
  3    134  Joseph Singleton            7   (689) Ian Edison
  4    154  Chris Dillon

  2.  1021  RCMP
  1    133  Barry Pitcher               7   (346) Colleen Tinkham
  2    182  Cynthia Ryan
  3    196  Barry Caddigan
  4    248  Jerome Kenny
  5    262  Patricia Rose
  6   (345) Jim Doyle

  3.  1088  CFS "2"
  1     94  Laurie Walsh                7   (434) Tammy Webber
  2     99  Robert Fish
  3    259  Valentine Linehan
  4    289  Paul Lamswood
  5    347  Donna Carew
  6   (395) Norman Applin

  4.  1333  RNC
  1    111  Corinne James               4    440  Roy Normore
  2    116  Robert Howard               5    491  Jim Carroll
  3    175  Bill James                  6   (766) Richard Deering

  5.  2935  CFS "1"
  1    336  Jennifer Fletcher           5    691  Adam Cook
  2    576  Sherri Nash                 6   (760) Rob Muir
  3    664  Dylan Harrold               7   (778) Jeffrey Lewis
  4    668  Oleksiy Zaslavskiy
- End -